

We Offer Professional Services

Video Marketing

Professional promotional videos are a great way to let social media do the hard work for you when it comes to getting the word out about your company. They became increasingly important as the average internet connection speed grew faster and faster.

The best approach is to produce entertaining and informative content which will go viral and users will gladly share it further. If you don't know how, we'll gladly help you – other clients have praised our take on a product presentation or a classic promotional video. Your videos will look good on any screen (be it a desktop PC, a laptop or large screens during presentations).

But why stop there? A good video can introduce your employees, demonstrate your quality standards and help people to relate to your company on a personal level. The more trust you build, the more likely will viewers convert into loyal buyers.

Mere pictures are stale and can never reach the level of presentation every video has. Just the fact you have a video promoting your brand might give you a serious competitive advantage. We will gladly incorporate your ideas into the video itself – product attributes, company logo or even a narrator.

It's also important to point out that people are much more likely to watch a video than read a text or listen to an audio track. In fact, our experience suggests that having a video with more or less the same content written below almost guarantees your message will be properly delivered.

Moreover, we have a vast database of properly segmented users and when the video is completed and uploaded, we'll launch a carefully targeted campaign and make your video go viral. And should you have a budget large enough to combine that with a Facebook campaign as well, your company will quickly become "The Next Big Thing"!